Caleb D. Vogt

Class of

Michigan Technological University
Biomedical Engineering major
B.S., 2016

University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
Biomedical Engineering Graduate Program
Ph.D., 2023

MSTP Student Governance:

  • Student Advisory Committee, 2017-2019, 2024-2025
  • Student Admissions and Recruitment Committee, 2018-2021 (co-chair 2020-2021)

Thesis Advisor: Angela Panoskaltsis-Mortari, Ph.D.

Thesis Research

My research is broadly in tissue engineering, with a specific focuses on 3D bioprinting and creating a tissue-engineered gastro-esophageal junction. Implantation of such a tissue construct would allow for smaller resection of the normal esophagus following surgery for gastroesophageal adenocarcinoma. The scientific value of this work will lie in new knowledge around bioprinting of structured fibroelastic tissues, which we hope to apply in the future to our lab's ongoing work in pulmonary airway engineering.

Publications (pubmed)

Galliger Z, Vogt CD, Helms HR, Panoskaltsis-Mortari A. Extracellular Matrix Microparticles Improve GelMA Bioink Resolution for 3D Bioprinting at Ambient Temperature. Macromol Mater Eng. 2022 Oct;307(10):2200196. PMCID: PMC9757590

Vogt CD, Panoskaltsis-Mortari A. Tissue engineering of the gastroesophageal junction. J Tissue Eng Regen Med. 2020 Jun;14(6):855-868. Review. PMCID: PMC7286780

Galliger Z, Vogt CD, Panoskaltsis-Mortari A. 3D bioprinting for lungs and hollow organs. Transl Res. 2019 Sep;211:19-34. PMCID: PMC6702089

Schnaith AM, Evans EM, Vogt C, Tinsay AM, Schmidt TE, Tessier KM, Erickson BK. An innovative medical school curriculum to address human papillomavirus vaccine hesitancy. Vaccine. 2018 Jun 18;36(26):3830-3835. PMCID: PMC681915

Work prior to the UMN MSTP
-Xing Q, Vogt C, Leong KW, Zhao F. Highly Aligned Nanofibrous Scaffold Derived from Decellularized Human Fibroblasts. Adv Funct Mater. 2014 May 28;24(20):3027-3035. PMCID:PMC4251501

-Xing Q, Yates K, Vogt C, Qian Z, Frost MC, Zhao F. Increasing mechanical strength of gelatin hydrogels by divalent metal ion removal. Sci Rep. 2014 Apr 16;4:4706. PMCID:PMC3988488

Xing Q, Yates K, Bailey A, Vogt C, He W, Frost MC, Zhao F. Effects of local nitric oxide release on human mesenchymal stem cell attachment and proliferation on gelatin hydrogel surface. Surface Innovations. 2013;1:224.

-Vogt C, Xing Q, He W, Li B, Frost MC, Zhao F. Fabrication and characterization of a nitric oxide-releasing nanofibrous gelatin matrix. Biomacromolecules. 2013 Aug 12;14(8):2521-30.

Caleb D. Vogt